Security and equality
Kaustinen Folk Music Festival is committed to promoting equality and equality at the festival. We welcome every performer and festival visitor as themselves. We expect everyone at the festival to play their part in creating a safer space by respecting others, behaving properly and being considerate of others. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of, for example, gender, ethnicity, colour or sexual orientation, or physical, verbal or sexual harassment.
If you see or experience behaviour towards yourself, a friend or other festival guest or employee that is distressing, inappropriate or in any way does not support equality and equity, please report it to the festival stewards or other staff. Festival staff and stewards have been instructed to pay attention to safety and equality.
Häirintäyhdyshenkilönä toimii festivaalin aikana Aino Kallio:, puh. 045 8069757
YK:n turvallisemman tilan periaatteet
- Respect the other person's personal physical and mental space. Respect self-determination. Do not touch another person without asking permission. Remember that you cannot know someone's limits without asking. Ask for space for yourself if necessary
- Do not mock, ridicule, belittle, push aside or embarrass anyone by your words, behaviour or actions. Refrain from criticising appearance, gossiping and perpetuating stereotypes.
- Don´t make assumptions based on appearance or behaviour. Do not make assumptions about anyone's sexuality, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, values, socio-economic background, health or ability to function.
- Give space. Make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the debate. Don't push other people's opinions and give them a chance to speak. Also respect the privacy of others and handle sensitive topics with respect.
- Listen and learn. Embrace new topics, people and perspectives with an open mind. Treat every issue and situation you encounter as an opportunity to learn and develop.
- Apologise, if you have intentionally or unintentionally hurt others.
If you see someone behaving inappropriately or otherwise violating the Safer Space policy, intervene.
Let's make the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival the happiest days of the summer!