A warm welcome to the big party in a small village.
Kaustinen Folk Music Festivalin kesän 2025 ohjelma tulossa keväällä

Festival of the year 2024!
The Board of Finland Festivals has named Kaustinen Folk Music Festival as Festival of the Year 2024.The festival was first held in 1968 and has since become one of the most important folk music events in the Nordic countries and Europe. The festival is firmly rooted in the region's folk tradition, but at the same time boldly brings together trends in contemporary folk music and world music, and makes these worlds play together seamlessly. Family-friendly festivals are something we return to year after year, because the atmosphere in Kaustinen is unforgettable. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Ensimmäinen otanta ohjelmasta julkaistaan 10.1.2025
We are committed to promoting equality and equity
Kaustinen Folk Music Festival is committed to promoting equality and equality at the festival. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of, for example, gender, ethnicity, skin colour or sexual orientation, or physical, verbal or sexual harassment.
Let's make the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival the Happiest Days of Summer together!
Haku festivaalityöntekijäksi on avautunut!
Työntekijä- ja talkoolaishaku Kaustisen kansanmusiikkijuhlille on avautunut! Haku on...
Search for sales outlets for 2023 are open
Myyntipaikkojen haku vuodelle 2025 avoinna Haettavissa on näytteilleasettajapaikkoja,...
Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2025 – perinteet tien päällä
Pohjoismaiden suurin kansanmusiikkifestivaali järjestetään heinäkuun toisella viikolla jo 58....