Everyone can participate in the festival!
At the Kaustinen Festival music or dance is not only a performative act but it underlines participatory approach by offering the audience opportunities in joining the music-making and dancing.
- Master folk singer Jussi Asu
The 58th Kaustinen Folk Music Festival will be held on 7.-13.7.2025.
The Kaustinen Folk Music Festival serves a hand-picked diverse sample of Finnish Folk Music and Folk Dance, as well as an annual program presenting international ensembles and traditions.
The artists at the festival vary from traditional Finnish solo performers to contemporary folk bands and international acts. The programme includes folkdance, some Finnish popular artists, children´s music, multi-artistic performances besed on folklore and participatory acts. The festival plays a crucial role in the preservation and promotion of various fields of heritage from different regions of Finland and all over the world. The Festival has a unique family-friendly and cozy atmosphere, which is worth experiencing.
The theme of the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2025 is MigrationThe purpose of the theme is to showcase and celebrate the many ways in which migration and the movement of people for various reasons around the world have influenced cultures, traditions, and the identity of communities.
The regional theme is Tavastia.
The Centre for the Promotion of Folk Music and Folk Dance (CEFF) theme 2025 We together! will also be reflected in the festival programme. ..
Performer Info
Pelimanni performer application for the 2025 festival
Pelimanni performer application is open
Warmly welcome to apply for the 58th Kaustinen Festival!
Pelimanni performers; players, dancers and singers are the heart of Kaustinen Folk Music Festival. It is time to apply to be a performer on the happiest days of summer.
If you are performing folk music, folk dance or more modern production based on them and want to get involved in creating a unique atmosphere of a family-friendly festival and present your music to a dedicated festival audience, do not hesitate to apply!
You may apply as a performer, if you are
- a solo performer
- a band or a group (2-50 person, and if you have a bigger group, please contact the festival office)
- a choir / singing group
- a folk dance group (accompanied with live music, no recorded music)
Group Registration Fee:
Group registration fee covers the costs of processing and reviewing applications. Our goal is to ensure sufficient, high-quality, and successful performance opportunities for all selected artists at the upcoming festival. If your group is not selected as an official festival performer, the fee will be refunded. Applications will be canceled if the invoice is not paid by the due date.
The registration fee is based on the group size:
1–4 people: €20 / group
5–12 people: €40 / group
13–25 people: €80 / group
Over 25 people: €120 / group
Maakuntateeman puitteissa esiintyviltä ryhmiltä, soolona tai toisen mestaripelimannin kanssa esiintyvältä mestaripelimannilta sekä kaustislaisilta ja ulkomaisilta ryhmiltä ei peritä rekisteröitymismaksua.
Ryhmän kotipaikka on maakunta teeman alueella tai vähintään puolet ohjelmistosta tulee maakunta teeman alueelta, ja ryhmä haluaa edustaa maakuntaa.
Good to know about applying:
The form is filled in with the performer's / group's details. The information on the members of the performer/group (name, year of birth, instrument) is collected in accordance with the instructions sent separately at the beginning of the year.
You need this information to complete the form:
- a total number of performers (names will be provided later in spring)
- A names of all groups (applying or having applied to the festival) in which members of this group perform. Unfortunately, groups of performers registered after the closing date for applications cannot be taken into account in order to avoid overlapping performance slots.
- the dates on which the performer/group can perform at the festival
- Link to sound sample, music video or performance recording. Please, upload the video on YouTube and add the link to this form.
Apply by filling out the form below:
An application form for Pelimanni performers (opens in a new window)
Performer application is open until 5 pm on 31st of January 2025.
Performers and groups approved as an official performer will receive:
- Performer wristband which entitles entrance to the festival area and all events on all festival days.
- Free music and dance workshops, seminars and a guaranteed relaxed atmosphere with thousands of friends.
- Shared / dormitory kind accommodation for a low price
- Performer meal for discount price at the Festival restaurant.
- Free instrument storage.
More details about the conditions and benefits will be announced during the spring in the Pelimanni performers letters (Pelimannikirje).
Guestions will be answered from the festival office!
Starting January 2, 2025
tel. +358 40 3582 198
Kansantanssiryhmä - Jaettuna parempi haku on auki
Jaettuna parempi – hae mukaan!
Kansatanssiryhmä, haaveiletteko esiintymisestä kesän onnellisimmilla päivillä, mutta teiltä uupuu elävä musiikki?
Hae mukaan ”Jaettuna parempi” -ohjelmaosioon 31.1.2025 mennessä ja mahdollista ryhmällesi esiintymiset Kaustinen Folk Music Festivalin kiihkeässä sykkeessä. Mukaan voivat hakea kansantanssiryhmät, joilla ei ole omaa yhtyettä ja ovat valmiita hyppäämään yhteistyöhön muusikoiden kanssa.
Ohjelmisto, jolla voi hakea mukaan tulee olla olemassa oleva kokonaisuus (6-10 min), jonka kappaleita on mahdollista tarvittaessa vaihtaa ja sovittaa Jaettuna parempi -yhtyeen kokoonpanolle sopivaksi.
Täytä hakulomake tästä (avautuu uuteen linkkiin)
Tarkemmat tiedot löytyvöt sivulta Kaustinen.net/jaettuna-parempi
Master Folk Musicians
The Master Folk Musician, the Master Folk Singer and the Master Folk Dancer (Mestaripelimanni) is a title awarded by the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival to a person who, with his or her traditional skills, abundant repertoire or other significant merits, has promoted folk music or folk dance and promote their pursuit. The Masters have been named since 1970.
Applications for Master Folk Musicians, Dancers and Singers can be sent throughout the year. The applications can be sent to matti.hakamaki@kaustinen.fi or give a call to +358 40 574 1917.
Alta löytyy aikaisempina vuosina nimetyille mestaripelimanneille tarkoitettu ilmoittautumislomake kesän juhlia varten. Pyydämme teitä ystävällisesti täyttämään ilmoittautumislomakkeen 31.1.2025 mennessä.
- (Avautuu uuteen ikkunaan.)
Apua lomakkeen täyttämiseen saa p. 040 358 21 98.
The festival program is complemented by concerts completed by folk music and folk dance professionals. All festival guests and enthusiasts will be able to participate in a workshops of many professionals throughout the festival week.
Performers applying for an artist gets paid for their performance. The free-form application can be submitted either by e-mail directly to the Program Director firstname.lastname@kaustinen.net or to artists@kaustinen.net. Offers should be sent during August to December.
NOTE! We get so many artist offers that unfortunately not all posts can be answered. However, all applications will be reviewed, and each potential band or group will be contacted in person. Inriquiries can be made either by email or by phone directly from the Program Director.
Pelimanni performer feedpack 2024
A warm thank you to all the performers; dancers, musicians and singers for the happiest days of summer 2024!
We greatly appreciate your feedback and would like to hear how you thought the festival went. Please send us your feedpack by email to info@kaustinen.net by 31 August 2024.
Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2025 – perinteet tien päällä
Pohjoismaiden suurin kansanmusiikkifestivaali järjestetään heinäkuun toisella viikolla jo 58. kerran, 7.–13.7.2025. Vuoden teemoja ovat Siirtolaisuus, Me yhdessä ja Häme. Festivaalin vuoden 2025 yhtye on Loimolan voima, muita kotimaisia kärkinimiä ovat mm....
Call for Pelimanni performers for 2025 is now open!
Lämpimästi tervetuloa hakemaan Kaustisen 58. festivaaleille pelimanniksi! Pelimannit; soittajat, tanssijat ja laulajat ovat Kaustisen festivaalin sydän. Nyt onkin tullut aika hakea mukaan esiintyjäksi kesän onnellisimmille päiville. Mikäli esität kansanmusiikkia,...