Make a musical video greeting for the VirtualKaustinen and the friends of Folk Music and Folk Dance, registration is open until 7.7.2020! If you wish, you can make videos for more than one programme section (folk music, folk dance, Children’s Kaustinen), in which case they will always be marked in connection with each link in the registration form. If each song has its own video link, we can share videos by the same artist for many days.
We kindly ask you to shoot the video horizontally. We also find that using an external microphone improves the quality of the audio, but it’s not compulsory. The main thing is that you are happy with the sound and picture quality of the video, that is enough for us as well.
By submitting a video link, you will be participating in VirtualKaustinen and you will also be a part of this year’s programme! Please don’t worry too much about video quality or giving your best performance ever – we’re thrilled to get you and your performances involved as much as possible! As we say in Kaustinen: “the main thing is to keep playing!”
Let’s make VirtualKaustinen a warm and communal online festival! Remember to keep playing, singing and dancing throughout the year, and join us again in Kaustinen in the summer of 2021.
Best regards,
Kaustinen Festival Office
Join us on your own or with a group, here are instructions for participating:
📍 Make a video of your presentation (video length doesn’t matter so much, only content does)
📍 You can also include a greeting to Kaustinen’s friends in the video, we would like this very much.
📍 Upload your video to a public YouTube channel or ask a friend to do so
📍 Upload each piece of music separately so that a separate link is created for them – of course, the presentation can also be a combination of performances, if you wish so.
📍 Set the video status to “public”
📍 On YouTube, write the name of the artist as the title of the video, in the description you can tell about the performance and the performers, the location of the shooting, etc.
📍 Fill in this form: https://www.tiketti.fi/kaustinen-folk-music-festival-2021-register-as-a-performer-akkreditointi/1038460
📍 One form can hold three video links – if there are more videos, send additional links with artist information to anne-mari.hakamaki@kaustinen.net
📍 The videos should be fairly new and preferably made for this purpose – unfortunately old recordings will not be included
📍 EVERYONE appearing in the video and other rights holders must give permission to publish the video, Kaustinen Folk Music Festival is not responsible for the content of the videos or related rights.
📍 VirtualKaustinen’s website www.kaustinen2020.net is open and its entire contents are available until 31.7.2020.
📍 Pro Kaustinen ry also has the right not to publish the video on the website if the content is not publishable or does not meet the general criteria of the festival programme.