VirtuaaliKaustinen – Kesän onnellisimmat päivät vaihtoehtoisesti myös verkossa 10.-16.7.2023!
VirtuaaliKaustisen ilmoittautuminen on auki ma 3.7.2023 klo 12 saakka.
Tässä linkki VirtuaaliKaustisen ilmoittautumiseen ja videolinkkien toimittamiseen
Toivomme virtuaaliseen festivaaliohjelmaan mahdollisimman paljon kansanmusiikkia, kansantanssia tai muuta perinteen harjoittamista sisältäviä videoesityksiä. Huomioithan, että jo hakusvaiheessa videon tulee olla ladattuna YouTube-alustalle (ohjeet alla). Kaikista saamistamme videoista koostamme pelimanniohjelman jokaiselle festivaalin päivälle ja julkaisemme ne festivaaliviikon ajan. VirtuaaliKaustisen pelimanniohjelma on kaikille maksutonta.
Instructions for shooting a video and registering for the VirtualKaustinen Open programme at the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival
Shoot a video of your or your group's presentation:
- The video can consist of one song, an entire concert, or something in between. Length doesn't matter.
- The content of the video can be folk music, folk dance, Children's Kaustinen's programme or a workshop. If you wish, you can even submit videos for every programme section. This information is always entered on the application form in connection with each link.
- You can make your own video for each presentation and upload them separately to YouTube to create your own link to them. Posting multiple video links allows the same artist to share their performances over many days.
- Shoot the video horizontally. This way, the video is visible on the entire screen and we can avoid black side bars.
- Make sure the sound good. You can take a test shot and listen to the sounds. Therefore, if you are talking on video, you can move close to the microphone.
Upload your video to YouTube:
- Upload the video to a public YouTube channel or ask a friend to do so.
- Upload each video separately so a separate link is created for each of them - of course, a single video can also be a long one if you wish.
Enter your video’s information on YouTube:
- Name (required): The name of the performer
- Description: you can tell about the performance and / or performer, the location, etc. and the names of the songs
- Select: "No, it was not made for children"
- This allows you to add a video to a playlist. Daily playlists are compiled from the VirtualKaustinen Open programme.
Save or publish:
- Select: "Public"
- This selection allows the video to be displayed to a virtual audience, and without this we will not be able to publish your video.
- Publish the video and copy the video link
Register and submit a link:
- Fill in the VirtualKaustinen Open registration form, which opens on 1st June 2021
- Paste a video link in the field provided. You can attach many links to the same form.
- Submit the registration form.
- ALL those appearing in the video and other rights holders must give permission to publish the video. Pro Kaustinen ry is not responsible for the content or related rights of the videos.
- The videos should be fairly new and preferably made for this purpose - unfortunately, old recordings will not be included.
- Pro Kaustinen ry also has the right not to publish videos on the site if the content is not publishable or does not meet the general criteria of the festival programme.
- VirtuaaliKaustinen on auki 16.7.2023 saakka. Soittolistat jäävät festivaalin YouTube-kanavalle. Videon pitää olla julkinen festivaaliviikon loppuun asti. Sen jälkeen voit halutessasi poistaa videon.
Thank you very much for registering and joining us for the happiest virtual days of the summer!