Lavat (2024)

On this page you will find all the stages of the festival and their technical information.

At the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, there are 26 stages in the festival park and each of them is unique. The happiest days of summer stretch from the festival park to the heartfelt of the village meeting places and musicians can also delight the elderly in the assisted living facility with a call. You can find these pallets in Kaustinen visit the village.

We would like the performances to be fully acoustic if possible. Without exception, the volume must be kept at the level of acoustic music, even when using your own sound system.

Below, you will find a list of all the stages for 2024, along with detailed descriptions and technical information. The menu opens by clicking. 

Changes are possible.

päivitetty 18.6.2024

Click here to explore the area map in more detail.
The map is being actively updated.


Performer Info
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KPO arena

Stage size: stage diameter 10 m, dance floor diameter 20 m 

PA system: Yes

Electricity: yes 

Facilities: covered outdoor space, rear room tent  

Grandstand: ascending 3/4 circle grandstand

Esteettömyys: tanssilattialle luiska, jonka vieressä pyörätuolipaikkoja. Esiintymislavalle luiska takatilan puolelta

Mondo (2.)

Stage size: 6 m x 4,5 m 

PA system: Yes

Electricity: yes

Facilities: covered outdoor space, rear room tent 

Grandstand: benches and tables on the stone floor

Esteettömyys: yleisölle esteetön, esiintymislavalle portaat

Age limit: K-18, until 9 pm, minors are welcome in the company of a parent. A separate area is also reserved for minors.

Club Kallio (3.)

Stage size: 20 m x 15 m, height 120 cm 

PA system: Yes

Electricity: yes 

Electricity: yes 

Groundstand: Standing groundstand

Esteettömyys: Kallioklubille nousu epätasaista hiekkatietä, rakennuksessa luiska. Yleisölle esteetön, esiintymislavalle portaat

Age limit: K-18, in the licensed area at 9 pm. A separate area is reserved for minors.

Tavern Kallio (4.)

Stage size: 4 m x 2 m

PA system: no

Electricity: yes 

Facilities: interior
Located in the same building as Kallioklubi in Kalliopalviljonki, within walking distance of the festival park.

Grandstand: seating

Esteettömyys: nousu kalliolle epätasaista hiekkaväylää. Rakennukseen luiska, Kalliokrouvi esteetön

Age limit: K-18, until 9 pm, minors are welcome in the company of a parent.

Kallion kulma (5.)

Kallioklubin ja Kalliokrouvin edustalla sijaitseava ulkolava, kävely etäisyydellä festivaalipuistosta.

Lava: kolmion muotoinen n. 4 x 2 m

PA system: no

Electricity: no

Tilat: ulkolava, yleisö seisoo

Esteettömyys: nousu kalliolle epätasaista hiekkaväylää. Lavalle askelmat, ei luiskaa.


Kestikievari Stage (6.)

Stage size: 5 m x 5 m

Dance floor 7,5 m x 6 m

PA system: no / yes after 6 pm

Electricity: yes 

Facilities: covered outdoor space 

Grandstand: restaurant table benches 

Age limit: K-18, until 9 pm, minors are welcome in the company of a parent.

Puolimatka Stage (7.)

Stage size: 6 m x 4 m

PA system: No

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Facilities: outdoor space, new location 2024


Sivutupa (8.)

Stage size: 4 m x 3 m  

PA system: no

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Harmonium: yes

Facilities: interior 

Grandstand: tables and chairs 

PH Nordgren Hall (9.)

Stage size: 6.5 m x 2.8 m height 40 cm

PA system: no

Electricity: yes  

Facilities: indoor space at the College of Music 

Grandstand: benched flat floor 

Sopukka Stage (10.)

Stage size: 

PA system: no

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Facilities: On the wall of the Music High School, near the entrance to the PH Nordgren Hall. Outdoor space.

Grandstand: yard area

Folk Musician´s House iso tupa (11.)

Stage size: size of the room 7,5 m x 3 m

PA system: no

Electricity: Yes

Harmonium: yes

Piano: yes

Facilities: Large room inside Folk Musicians house

Groundstand: benched board floor

Age limit: K-18 at, until 22 minors are welcome accompanied by a parent.

Folk Musicians House Cafe (12.)

Stage size: 1,5 m x 2 m 

PA system: no

Electricity: Yes



Age limit: K-18, until 10 pm, minors are welcome in the company of a parent.

Santeri's Cabine (13.)

Access to Santeri's Cabinet through the Pelimannitalo café.

Stage size: size of the room 4 m x 5,5 m 

PA system: no

Electricity: No

Harmonium: yes

Age limit: K-18, until 10 pm, minors are welcome in the company of a parent.

Kaustinen Hall (14.)

Stage size: 15 m x 10 m, dance mat 

PA system: no

Electricity: yes

Facilities: interior, backstage

Esteettömyys: Kansantaiteenkeskus on esteetön. Talossa hissi ja inva-wc, katsomossa pyörätuolipaikkoja

Grandstand: ascending grandstand with fixed benches 

Lobby of Folk Arts Centre (15.)

Lavan koko: noin 2 x 2 m  

PA system: no

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Harmonium: yes

Facilities: interior 

Grandstand: lobby area, tables and benches

Esteettömyys: Kansantaiteenkeskus on esteetön, aulassa inva-wc

Museum Hall (16.)

Stage size: 4 m x 3,5 m 

PA system: no

Electricity: yes 

Facilities: interior 

Grandstand or other facilities: benched, about 50 persons

Esteettömyys: Kansantaiteenkeskus on esteetön, aulassa inva-wc

Setori Stage (17.)

Stage size: 1,5 m x 2,5 m 

PA system: no

Electricity: No

Facilities: outdoor space, new location 2024



Mauno's Granary (18.)

Stage size: 

PA system: no

Electricity: yes  

Facilities: interior  

Grandstand: 250 seats on the board floor 

Children's Tent (19.)

Stage size: 7,5 m x  2,5 m

Dance floor 7,5 m x 7,5m

Äänentoisto: Pieni, ei äänihenkilökuntaa. Ei monitorointia tai head set mahdollisuutta.

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Harmonium: no

Facilities: covered outdoor space 

Groundstand: Standing groundstand 

Soittosali Stage (20.)

Stage size: 5 m x 3 m

PA system: no

Electricity: yes

Harmonium: yes

Facilities: gymnasium, small backstage  

Grandstand: benched flat floor  

Festival Yard Stage (21.)

Stage size: 6,5 m x 4,5 m

Dance floor 7,5 m x 7,5 m

PA system: yes, small, no head-set or monitoring. No technical staff. You can use your own small PA system.

Electricity: yes 

Facilities: outdoor space 

Grandstand: benched asphalt yard 

Krenikka Stage (22.)

Stage size:  2,5 m x 2,5 m

PA system: no

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Facilities: in the glass roof of the secondary school, in connection with the Marjaananville café 

Grandstand: restaurant table benches 

Wiljami Stage (23.)

Stage size: 10 x 6 m

PA system: You can use your own small PA system.

Electricity: yes

Harmonium: yes

Facilities: interior, backstage 

Grandstand: ascending grandstand 

Massikka Stage (24.)

Stage size: 1,5 m x 2,5 m 

PA system: no

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Facilities: outdoor space


Troka (25.)

Troka's lower terrace serves as a jam venue - make a jam session if you can or join us!

Stage size: 4 m x 2 m

PA system: no

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Age limit: K-18, until 9 pm, minors are welcome in the company of a parent. 

Laulureki (26.)

Stage size: a small sleigh with a performing next to it 

PA system: no

Electricity: no 

Facilities: outdoor space, which is not covered. Located on the slope of the Folk Musician´s House (Pelimannitalo), between the Arena and the Troka.

Groundstand: grass area 

Campfire (Yhteislaulunuotio) (27.)

Stage size: 

PA system: no

Electricity: yes, 1 plug (if you need more than one plug, please bring your own extension cords)

Kino (28.)

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Kraatari (29.)

In the idyllic courtyard of the Kraatari cottage is the café, next to which the stage is located. Free admission.

Lavan koko: 2,8 m x 4 m

PA system: no

Electricity: yes

Tila: ulkotila, penkitetty katsomo

Esitysajat sijoituvat klo 10-18 välille.


Vapaan soiton lava festivaaliravintolan sisäänkäynnin läheisyydessä.

Stage size: 1 m x 2 m 

PA system: no

Electricity: No

Facilities: outdoor space 

Groundstand: Standing groundstand

A free-playing stage, no scheduled programme.


Kaustinen all around the Village

Pelimannimusiikkia pääsee kuulemaan pitkin viikkoa mm. kaupoissa, huoltoasemilla ja palvelukodeissa, ja tänä vuonna myös Kokkolassa.
Kaustinen käy kylään -sarjan esityksiin on vapaa pääsy.

The performance times are between 12-18. Performance times and venues will be available on the Schedule page.



Kaustinen all arond the village places

HalpaHalli Kaustinen

Osoite: Pajalantie 4

Hotelli Kaustinen

Osoite: Pajalantie 24


Osoite: Pappilantie 7

Vanha puoli / Tyynelä: kulku Oktaavintie 3A

Uusi puoli / Toivola: Pääovi auki, sisemmässä ovella ovikello.
Päiväsaliin käynti rakennuksen keskustan puoleisesta päätyovesta (lukossa), josta voi roudata soittimet.

K-Market Kaustinen

Osoite: Terveystie 1

Neste Kaustinen

Osoite: Teerijärventie 1

Pesolan Leipomo

Osoite: Pappilantie 1

 S-Market Kaustinen

Osoite: Kauppatie

Teboil Kaustinen

Osoite: Terveystie 2


Kokkolan tori

Osoite: Kauppatori 5, Kokkola

Kokkolan Vohvelikahvila

esityksiä lauantaina 13.7.

Osoite: Pitkänsillankatu 26, Kokkola

Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2025 – perinteet tien päällä

Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2025 – perinteet tien päällä

Pohjoismaiden suurin kansanmusiikkifestivaali järjestetään heinäkuun toisella viikolla jo 58. kerran, 7.–13.7.2025. Vuoden teemoja ovat Siirtolaisuus, Me yhdessä ja Häme. Festivaalin vuoden 2025 yhtye on Loimolan voima, muita kotimaisia kärkinimiä ovat mm....

Call for Pelimanni performers for 2025 is now open!

Call for Pelimanni performers for 2025 is now open!

Lämpimästi tervetuloa hakemaan Kaustisen 58. festivaaleille pelimanniksi! Pelimannit; soittajat, tanssijat ja laulajat ovat Kaustisen festivaalin sydän. Nyt onkin tullut aika hakea mukaan esiintyjäksi kesän onnellisimmille päiville. Mikäli esität kansanmusiikkia,...