
The Kaustinen Folk Music Festival's seminar programme offers a wide range of perspectives on topics, issues and developments in the field.

The programme consists of four seminars. Admission to all seminars is free. The seminars on Tuesday and Wednesday are in Finnish and those on Friday and Saturday in English.


TUE 9th JULY 13.30 Museosali




Kansanmusiikin ja kansantanssin toimijat kokoavassa seminaarissa aloitetaan alan uuden viisivuotiskauden strateginen suunnittelu. Miten maailma muuttuu ja miten alan tulisi tuleviin haasteisiin valmistautua? Seminaarin järjestää Kansanmusiikin ja kansantanssin edistämiskeskus sekä Kansanmusiikki-instituutti. Tutustu nykyiseen visio-ohjelmaan täältä:

13.30 Matti Hakamäki & Hanna Poikela: Alalle uusi visio – askelmerkit työlle
13.45 Panel discussion
14.30 Kaisa Rönkkö: Kulttuurikenttä murroksessa – kuinka varautua tulevaan?
14.45 Panel discussion
15.30 Closure


WED 10th JULY 13.30 Museosali

Cultural heritage, Unesco and regional attractiveness


The seminar will discuss the safeguarding of cultural heritage and its importance, cooperation between different actors and the opportunities offered by UNESCO to distinguish and profile the region. There will be presentations on intangible cultural heritage and a new Geopark site in Lappajärvi. The seminar is organised by the Finnish Intangible Cultural Heritage Association, the Finnish Crafts Asssociation and the Finnish Folk Music Institute. Seminar is in Finnish.

13.30 Minerva Rannila, sivistysjohtaja, Kaustisen kunta: Seminaarin avaus
13.35 Pirjo Hamari, kehittämispäällikkö, Museovirasto : Kulttuuriperintöstrategia ja sen toimeenpanosuunnitelmatyö
13.50 Annie Laitila, viestintä- ja hankekoordinaattori, Lappajärven kunta: Kraatterijärvi Geopark – alueellinen hyödyntäminen
14.10 Matti Hakamäki, johtaja, Kansanmusiikki-instituutti: Unescon hyvien suojelukäytäntöjen rekisteri ja seuraava haku kansainväliseen luetteloon
14.30 Julia Autio, kulttuuriperintökoordinaattori, Tornionlaakson museo: Kukkolankosken koskikalastus – Unescon luetteloon yhdessä Ruotsin kanssa
15.00 Paneelikeskustelu: Suomen aineettoman kulttuuriperintö yhdistys ja kentän verkostoituminen: Matti Hakamäki (pj), Saija Silen (puheenjohtaja, Suomen Saunakulttuuri ry), Julia Autio, Kikka Jelisejef (kehittämispäällikkö, Taitoliitto), Johanna Björkholm (projektipäällikkö, KulturÖsterbotten) & Pirjo Hamari
15.40 Päätössanat: Mirva Mattila, kulttuuriasiainneuvos, Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö


FRI 12th JULY 17.00 Museosali

Amplifying Heritage: ICH research as means for cultural, social and educational development


The hybrid seminar/webinar concludes the two-year Amplifying Heritage project with views on the role of research in safeguarding ICH. How can research contribute to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage? The webinar connects with the project aims to have an impact not just the participants’ local surroundings but provide views on the approaches to intangible musical heritages also globally through research and connectedness to the UNESCO’s intangible heritage network. Webinar is organized as part of the 'Amplifying Heritage', a project among three NGOs, the Finnish Folk Music Institute (FFMI), Echoes in the Valley (EitV), Kathmandu, Nepal and ABAIM, Mauritius, and the Sibelius Academy Folk Music Department of the University of the Arts, Helsinki. The project is funded by Nordisk Kulturfond Globus Programme in 2023-2024 and has initiated a collaborative global network to support the capacity building of the participating organisations through regular webinars, an exchange program, and research.

17.00 Matti Hakamäki: Welcome to the seminar
17.05 Vilma Timonen: Research outputs within the Amplifying Heritage project
17.40 Alain Muneean: Group Abaim – Grassroots experiences working with Academia: Opportunities and challenges in Mauritius
18.00 Rizu Tuladhar: Echoes in the Valley – research collaboration and safeguarding ICH
18.15 Commentary by experts: Tiago de Oliveira Pinto and Teemu Leinonen
18.45 Discussion and Closure

Project homepage:…/amplifying-heritage…


SAT 13th JULY 11-13.30, Folk Art Centre

Kaustinen ICH Seminari 2024
Culture 2030 Campaign – global impact through community actions


There’s no culture goal among the 17 goals of the United Nations’ sustainable development Agenda 2030. To amend the situation, a long-lasting international campaign has been going on, and the national Finnish campaign was initiated earlier this year. The seminar addresses the importance of an independent culture goal for the future of humanity and the role that living heritage and traditional music can have in implementing it. The taste of music is offered by Kaustinen Näppärit and Antti Paalanen with his friends.

The seminar will be streamed at the Finnish Folk Music Institute Youtube channel:

11.00 Music: Antti Paalanen & friends
11.10 Matti Hakamäki: Welcome to the seminar
11.15 Martin Sundin: UNESCO 2003 Convention and sustainable development
11.30 John Crowley: Why we need a culture as a standalone SDG?
12.00 Music: Kaustinen Näppärit

12.10 Markku Wilenius: The Role of Culture in the Future of Sustainability
12.20 Annika Lyytikäinen: Culture Goal 2030 Campaign Finland
12.30 Leena Marsio: LIVIND project – Practical experiences from the field of ICH and sustainability
12.45 Panel-discussion: Matti Hakamäki (chair), Martin Sundin, John Crowley, Markku Wilenius & Leena Marsio
13.30 Closure